Effective Literacy Practices

Multi-Tiered System of Support

In Arizona, the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is defined as an instructional system with three tiered levels that uses data to effectively tailor academic and social-emotional supports to meet the needs of the whole student. Educational instruction and intervention is delivered at varying levels across the tiers, depending on the specific needs of individual students as identified by student outcome data.

Tier 1: Core Reading Instruction

Tier 1 instruction is the general reading instruction that all students receive from their classroom teacher. Tier 1 relies on assessment data to screen for reading difficulties. Teachers should utilize the results of this data to identify specific areas in reading where students are struggling, and teachers should provide targeted reading supports as needed. During Tier 1 instruction, teachers should provide differentiated, explicit, and systematic instruction using an evidence-based curriculum that is aligned to the Arizona English Language Arts State Standards. High-quality Tier 1 reading instruction is essential for students to grow into proficient readers and may prevent the need for more intensive interventions in other tiers.

Essential features of Tier 1 instruction:

  • Core curriculum is aligned to state standards.
  • Instruction is accessible and differentiated to meet the needs of all students.
  • Whole group and small group instruction is utilized.
  • Data is used to address students’ needs and evaluate the effectiveness of core instruction.
  • Researched-based instructional strategies and materials are utilized, including for subgroups.
  • Enrichment is provided for students exceeding benchmarks.

Tier 2: Targeted Instruction

For Tier 2 academics, educators provide interventions that target the academic needs of students identified as at-risk using a validated program. Tier 2 interventions and supports are delivered with fidelity at the duration and frequency required by the Arizona Department of Education.

Essential features of Tier 2 instruction:

  • Delivery and design are standardized.
  • Uses an evidence-based intervention and/or evidence-based practices with fidelity.
  • Prioritized for 15-20% of the student population identified as needing additional support.
  • Delivered by adequately trained staff.
  • Provided in addition to Tier 1 core programming.
  • Group size is typically 3-7 students.
  • Frequency and duration of sessions follow the Arizona Department of Education requirements. 
  • Students receive increased practice and feedback on targeted skills relative to Tier 1.
  • Regular monitoring of students’ progress.
  • Increased family involvement and communication relative to Tier 1. 

Tier 3: Intensive Intervention

For Tier 3 academics, educators provide individualized interventions to help students with severe learning needs. Tier 3 is provided to students not responding to Tier 2 interventions.

Essential features of Tier 3 instruction:

  • Prioritized for 3-5% of the student population identified as most at-risk.
  • Interventions are individualized and adapted to address the student's data-based needs.
  • Interventions are provided to students not responding to Tier 2 interventions.
  • Interventions are more intensive than Tier 2.
  • Provided by adequately trained staff with applicable background.
  • Group size is optimal and based on age and needs of students.
  • Progress monitoring occurs weekly followed by regular teaming.
  • Ongoing family communication and engagement.


American Institutes for Research, Center on Multi-Tiered System of Supports.