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Evidence-based literacy strategies and resources to support student achievement


Find effective ways to support language and literacy development.

Choose instructional practices proven to help children learn to read.

Engage families and community partners in prioritizing literacy.

Literacy impacts every aspect of academic achievement across all subjects.

Improving student outcomes requires a commitment to evidence-based strategies and high-quality instructional practices that provide the targeted support that each student needs.

LitHubAZ is a free resource for everyone who plays a role in helping Arizona’s children learn to read at grade level and be successful in school.

LitHubAZ Educators

High-quality instructional practices and strategies based in the science of reading for administrators, teachers, and specialists.

LitHubAZ Families

Trusted information and resources to help your child build the skills they need to be a good reader and successful in school.

LitHubAZ Community Partners

Evidence-based strategies to support nonprofits, early childhood providers, and out-of-school literacy programs.

What is the Science of Reading?

It is not one specific program or curriculum. The science of reading is a term to describe evidenced-based instructional practices that align with decades of research into how the brain learns to read and the foundational skills of proficient reading.

Emphasizing more than just phonics and decoding, structured literacy instruction based in the science of reading simultaneously develops comprehension, vocabulary, and background knowledge simultaneously with the development of word recognition. All the foundational skills must be woven together so that children can make meaning from the words they read.

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Research shows that, with the right instruction, intervention and support, the vast majority of children – 95% or more – can learn to read at grade level.


Less than half of Arizona’s third graders passed the most recent English Language Arts assessment. We need to do everything we can to help our children learn to read proficiently.

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Read On Arizona

Read On Arizona is our state’s early literacy initiative. Launched in 2013, partners in Read On Arizona take a collaborative approach to improving language and literacy outcomes for Arizona’s children from birth to age 8, with strategic focus on school readiness and third grade reading proficiency.

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